Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Keys To Solve PSLE Math Problems

What can you do when you are stumped? Too many students sit and stare at the page, waiting for inspiration to strike — and when the solution doesn’t crack their heads open and step out, fully formed, they complain: “Math is too hard!”

How to solve a tough problem

Ask yourself these 4 questions:

1. What do I know?

List the facts or information given in the problem.
Underline or circle any key words, such as factor, multiple, area, or perimeter.
Watch out for mixed units!
Express the facts in math symbols, if you can.

2. What do I want?

Describe the goal, what the problem is asking you to find.
Underline or circle any key words, such as sum, product. (Small words are easy to miss!)
Express the goal in math symbols, if you can.

3. What can I do?

Combine the given facts. Can you get closer to the goal?
Try a tool from your Problem Solving Tool Box.
Do one little step at a time.

4. Does it make sense?

When you get an answer, always look back at the original problem one more time.

Does your answer make sense?

Do you have the correct units (m, cm2, kg, etc.)?

Can you think of a way to confirm that your answer is right?

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